Cybersecurity in 2021


Cybersecurity is becoming more and more important to our everyday business lives, according to a Forbes article by Chuck Brooks. A poll shows that about “9 in 10 Americans” are at least somewhat concerned about their information, including personal identification and utilities, being exposed through hacking.

In fact, cyber attacks have increased in the last year, compared to 2020. Even though it is not the end of 2021 yet, the number of cyber attacks have already surpassed the amount that occurred in 2020.

The article later states that a business’ supply chain is the most likely to be targeted. 97% of firms have been impacted by a cybersecurity breach in their chain. Its vulnerability requires the assistance of government policies and risk management processes.

What Can I Do to Keep Myself Safe?

  • Keep your device softwares up to date.

  • When sharing passwords, keep record of who is able to access passwords. Consider using password manager programs that mask passwords while being able to share access to programs with others.

  • Learn about best practices from your IT team. The experts will know how to protect your data. Speak with them if you have any concerns on digital privacy.

  • Data sanitization. Wikipedia refers this as the erasure of sensitive data from datasets and media to guarantee that no residual data can be recovered.


Merlin Shredding provides top-quality data sanitization services in Alberta, including device shredding right at your office doorstep. Electronic records are one of the most imperative tools we have today - don’t let them fall into the wrong hands.

It is not too late to start protecting yourself from potential hacking attacks or accidental digital mishaps. Contact Merlin Shredding at for advice to protect yourself and for a consultation today.


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