3 Strategies To Lower Risk In Hybrid Work Environments


As most businesses have switched to a hybrid style of working, employers are once again determining the best ways to keep their employees safe. What exactly is hybrid? A new workforce strategy that combines on-site and remote work arrangements. Any company may offer a range of hybrid work options, depending on the needs and nature of their line of work. For example, employees can split their time between in-person office settings and remote work locations, or certain employees may only work remotely while others may only work in the office.
Hybrid work environments are gaining popularity. A recent Microsoft survey shows that more than 80% of chief information security officers work in organizations that have started or already have a hybrid work environment. Employees are now actively seeking jobs that offer hybrid arrangements. And almost half of employees are looking for new jobs if their employer hasn’t adopted a flexible work model, something that has been coined recently as the great resignation.

Although a hybrid model can have high success for productivity, and employee satisfaction, there are risks from a data security standpoint. To take advantage of benefits while lowering risks, we’ve included 3 strategies to implement. 
1. Provide regular refreshers on data security policies. With employees carrying laptops, cell phones, tablets, and paper documents back and forth between locations, the risk of data theft increases, which puts companies at risk. As you modify hybrid arrangements, talk to employees about their information security responsibilities and how they can help protect sensitive information. Some things to include:

  • The importance of passwords - using complex passwords, keeping them confidential, and changing them regularly

  • How to recognize phishing - and what to do when an employee receives a suspicious email or text

  • How to properly dispose of unnecessary paper - especially documents that contain confidential information

  • The importance of keeping a clean desk- at work and at home to prevent information loss and theft

2. Have multiple layers of cybersecurity. The more electronic safeguards, the less likely a company is to experience a data breach. Critical protections should include multi-factor authentication, data encryption, firewalls, and antivirus software that updates as new threats appear. By examining various cybersecurity measures and helping employees protect their office and home computer systems, you can reduce risk while enabling easier data sharing between locations.
3. Facilitate secure document disposal. Although many companies are moving to paperless, there is still plenty of paper generated in the workday. Employees need to know what to do with documents they no longer need, whether working from home or in the office. Professional shredding is the safest document destruction strategy. By scheduling shredding events throughout the year with professional shredding companies, such as Merlin Shredding, businesses can ensure documents are destroyed safely and properly. You can also set up recurring pickups to help keep paper waste under control over time.
Hybrid work environments are the new norm in our post-pandemic world. By creating a robust data protection strategy, businesses can offer flexible work arrangements and be assured that sensitive information will remain secure. Learn more about how Merlin can help by checking out our services.


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